
College of Art and Design (4 years)

  1. Common Subjects

    common subjects It is our aim in educatio…

  2. Art and Design for Spatial Experience

    Art and Design for Spatial Experience (s…

  3. Oil Painting and Printmaking

    西洋画专业(油画、版画) | 서양화 전공(회화・판화)|

  4. Japanese Painting

    日本画专业 | 일본화 전공

  5. Sculpture

    立体艺术专业 | 입체아트 전공

  6. Art Education

    美术教育专业 | 미술교육 전공

  7. International Art and Culture

    艺术文化专业 | 예술문화 전공

  8. Visual Design

    视觉设计专业 | 비주얼디자인 전공

  9. Product Design

    产品设计专业 | 프로덕트디자인 전공

  10. Environmental Design

    环境设计专业 | 환경디자인 전공

  11. Textiles, Ceramics and Glass

    工艺专业 | 공예 전공

  12. Media Art and Design

    媒体表现领域 | 미디어 표현영역

  13. Art and Design for Healing

    治愈表现领域 | 힐링 표현영역

  14. Art and Design for Fashion

    时尚纺织品表现领域 | 패션텍스타일 표현영역

  15. Creative Production and Museum Studies

    艺术创作表现领域 | 아트프로듀스 표현영역

  16. Collaborative Design

    Department of Collaborative Design (tentative…