
Art and Design for Spatial Experience

Art and Design for Spatial Experience

Think about “Experience of Space”

Today, people’s scope of activity is expanding to not only living spaces around us and social spaces,but also spaces of memory and mental images, natural environment, universe space, and cyberspace.

It becomes necessary to captivate the concept of spaces with new systems beyond the frame of Art and Design,expand the creativity of spaces from various angles, and express.

Based on the question “What is the experience of spaces for people?” this field nurtures people who can develop the possibility of spaces and propose new experiences and richness to society.

Field of Art and Design for Spatial Experience Website (only in Japanese)

Field of Art and Design for Spatial Experience Brochure (only in Japanese)

Field of Art and Design for Spatial Experience, Examination Guidebook (only in Japanese)

1st Year

Establishing the basis for spatial expressions and thinking

Students learn the basic techniques for spatial expressions, including ergonomics, drafting, crafting of scale models, 3D CAD, and so on.

In addition, as the new systems for considering spaces, through the exercises, students also acquire the basis of three spatial concepts, such as “Primitive Space”, “Temporary Space”, and “Immersive Space”.

2nd Year

Integrating knowledge with techniques and Explore the Expertise

Based on the basis acquired in the 1st year, studying more deeply through the exercises and projects, students aim to develop the foundation into more developmental expressions.

In the first semester, they learn several things ranging from Primitive Space for life maintenance, the way to express themselves in the community spaces, to Immersive Space like theatres, games, movies, and VR.

In the second semester, integrating them, they will explore their own expertise.

3rd Year

Deepening the own expression and expertise with practical projects

In the 3rd year, through collaborating projects, students think practically about how their expressions connect with society. Experiencing several spatial ideas, they pursue how to capture the Space deeply.

From the late semester, belonging to a seminar, they develop their own expertise for the graduation work.

4th Year

Pursuing the expertise deeply and Spreading to the society

In the fourth year, based on the learning of the seminar and projects, students aim to pursue their own expertise.

In producing the graduation work as the masterpiece of the learnings, as a creator and a producer who will make society rich and innovative, students aim to spread their expressions to society with many approaches, such as productions, VR, installation, and performances.


对 ” 空间体验 ” 的思考


空间表现领域—— 学习3 种空间概念

1. 基础空间


#感觉知觉 # 舒适感 # 场所

2. 临时空间


#展示 # 空间协调 # 活动 # 环境艺术

3. 身临其境的空间


#舞台 # 游乐园 # 空间艺术 # 虚拟空间

공간 표현영역

‘ 공간의 경험 ‘ 에 대 해 생각한다

오늘날 사람들의 활동 범위는 친숙한 생활 공간, 사회 공간은 물론 기억과 심상의 공간, 자연 환경 그리고 우주 공간과 사이버 공간에 이르기까지 확장되고 있습니다.
아트, 디자인의 틀을 넘어 새로운 체계로 공간의 개념을 포착하고 다양한 각도에서 공간의 창의성을 확장하고 표현하는 것이 요구되고 있습니다. 본 영역에서는 사람에게 공간 경험이란 도대체 무엇인가? 를 원점으로 하여, 공간의 가능성을 확대하고 새로운 경험과 풍요를 사회에 제안할 수 있는 사람을 양성합니다.

공간 표현영역에서 배우는 세 가지 공간 개념

1. 프리미티브 스페이스

공간이란 애초에 무엇일까요? 숲의 양지에서 커튼 뒤쪽에 이르기까지 공간의 시작에 대해 생각합니다.

#감각지각 #편안함 #장소

2. 템포러리 스페이스

물건이 세로로 나열되어 있는 상태와 가로로 나열되어 있는 상태에서 그 공간의 경험은 동일할까요? 일상의 다양한 장소에 숨어있는 공간의 표정 변화에 대해 생각합니다.

#디스플레이 #공간코디 #이벤트 #환경예술

3. 이머시브 스페이스

일상과 비일상의 경계는 도대체 어디에 있는 것일까요? 일상생활의 경치도 다채롭게 만드는, 지각을 자극하고 몰입시키는 공간의 가능성을 탐구합니다.

#극장 #놀이공원 #공간아트 #메타버스

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