
College of Art and Design (4 years)

  1. Common Subjects

    common subjects It is our aim in educatio…

  2. Oil Painting and Printmaking

    西洋画专业(油画、版画) | 서양화 전공(회화・판화)|

  3. Japanese Painting

    日本画专业 | 일본화 전공

  4. Sculpture

    立体艺术专业 | 입체아트 전공

  5. Art Education

    美术教育专业 | 미술교육 전공

  6. International Art and Culture

    艺术文化专业 | 예술문화 전공

  7. Visual Design

    视觉设计专业 | 비주얼디자인 전공

  8. Product Design

    产品设计专业 | 프로덕트디자인 전공

  9. Environmental Design

    环境设计专业 | 환경디자인 전공

  10. Textiles, Ceramics and Glass

    工艺专业 | 공예 전공

  11. Media Art and Design

    媒体表现领域 | 미디어 표현영역

  12. Art and Design for Healing

    治愈表现领域 | 힐링 표현영역

  13. Art and Design for Fashion

    时尚纺织品表现领域 | 패션텍스타일 표현영역

  14. Art and Design for Spatial Experience

    Art and Design for Spatial Experience Th…

  15. Creative Production and Museum Studies

    艺术创作表现领域 | 아트프로듀스 표현영역

  16. Collaborative Design

    Department of Collaborative Design Develo…