
Collaborative Design

Department of Collaborative Design

Developing “collaborative leaders” who create new value with people from diverse fields.

In order to create new value, it is essential to have human resources equipped with “collaborative leadership,” a process of asking and answering questions on one’s own and involving diverse others, envisioning together, and growing together in order to lead toward achieving goals. While focusing on design, students learn across business and technology, and acquire the ability to collaborate with diverse people through hands-on projects and become talents who play an active role at the heart of the business with their sense of design and creativity.

Department of Collaborative Design Website (only in Japanese)

<Department of Collaborative Design Curriculum>
1st Year: Acquiring model, skills, and mindset for the Collaboration

Students learn skills, knowledge, and mindset that are necessary to join the collative projects from technical instructors who play a role in each field at the forefront. With the fundamental ability, including communication skills and leadership, they also experience the basis of graphic design, product design, business design, and technical design. 

2nd Year: Acquiring the ability to create by themselves and to include other people

Deepening the collaborative skills and knowledge leant in the 1st year, students develop the collaborative power with diverse people in many practical projects. Students foster Collaborative Leadership, the ability to make a project successful by including diverse people while looking for what they like and are good at.

3rd Year: Fostering expertise and training the power to realise it in society

From multiple selective classes based on each student’s interests and career, students select subjects according to the field they would like to deepen and improve their expertise. Through experiencing the programmes which train project design and the power of realise at a high level, they aim to integrate skills with practice. 

4th Year: Graduation Research connected to society

Based on the learnt knowledge, acquired skills, and various experiences, students focus on graduation research. In the graduation research, each student aims to show Collaborative Leadership, plan with a lot of diverse people, and create new value while growing up together.




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다양한 영역의 사람들과 함께 새로운 가치를 창조하는 ‘공동창조형 리더’를 육성한다

새로운 가치 창조에는 스스로 의문을 가지고, 여러 사람을 끌어들여 함께 구상하고, 함께 성장하면서 목표를 향해 이끌어가는 ‘공동창조형 리더십’을 갖춘 인재가 힘을 발휘합니다. 디자인을 주축으로 비즈니스와 테크놀로지까지 폭넓게 배우고, 실천형 프로젝트를 통해 다양한 사람들과 함께 창조하는 힘을 키움으로써 디자인 센스와 창조력을 무기로 비즈니스의 중심에서 활약할 수 있는 인재를 육성합니다.

공동창조디자인학과  웹 사이트(일본어)

<공동창조디자인학과 커리큘럼>
1,2학년: 스스로만들어내는힘, 주위를 끌어들이는 힘을 키운다
공동창조형 프로젝트에 참가하기 위한 기술과 지식, 마인드셋을 폭넓게 습득하는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 특히 창의성의 기초가 되는 창출력과 개척력 영역을 집중적으로 배움으로써 공동창조의 기본동작인 커뮤니케이션 능력 및 리더십과 함께 그래픽, 프로덕트 등을 디자인하는 힘을 기릅니다.

3,4학년: 복수의선택수업으로 전문성을길러 사회에실현시켜 나가는 힘을 키운다
학생들의 관심이나 진로에 맞춘 복수의 선택수업을 갖추고 있습니다. 더 깊이 배우고 싶은 영역의 과목을 선택함으로써 전문성을 높입니다. 더 높은 수준의 프로젝트 디자인이나 실현력을 단련하는 프로그램 경험을 쌓아 지식과 실천의 통합을 도모합니다.

Master’s Course (Fine Arts)

Creative Production and Museum Studies

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